Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Good afternoon dear brothers and sisters. Thank you very much for greeting us a very happy father’s day today.

First of all, I would like you all, mothers, to know that fatherhood is wonderful. It’s beautiful and its great. And I would like you to know that the most wonderful gift I have received in my life from my Father in Heaven is to have this real experience of being a father to my sons and a husband to my wife.

Fatherhood is a sacred calling. It carries great challenge and responsibilities. It is my apprenticeship to godhood. It takes hard work and planning to bring up children in righteousness.

I know that as a father and a husband I need to have unity with my wife, so there will always be feelings of love and harmony in the home. I know that I have to pass through trials in this mortal life. And my trials seem to be greatest when I reached fatherhoo

Firstly, as a father I need to set a good example to my children. I know that I am accountable for them. I need to be careful in making mistakes in front of my children. When our son Eszel was born I take pride of being called as a father. For me, it is a title of respect and honor and admiration. It is the same title given to our Heavenly Father. He wanted us to call him Father.

As a father I preside over my family. This is an opportunity for me to learn how to govern my house with love and respect, and with my wife to teach my children correct principles so they will also become good fathers someday.

As a father to my children, I am also called to be a teacher to them. I need to be humble and to be what I teach. My father used to tell us not to follow what he’s doing but just follow what he teach. For me, to be a good teacher is to be a doer of what you teach. Our savior Jesus Christ showed us a perfect example of a good teacher. He does what he teaches. He was a perfect example of a good teacher.

President David O. McKay taught us that no other success in life can compensate for failure in the home, And that, the greatest work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own home.
As a father, I am always teaching. For good or ill my family learns my ways, my beliefs, my heart, my ideas, and my concerns. My children may or may not choose to follow me, but the example I give is the greatest light I hold before my children, and I am accountable for that light.

At one time a young father acted somewhat unkindly to his wife. Three days later this same man saw his three-year-old daughter use his very words in acting unkindly to her mother. The man feel sad and came to ask himself this question, Do I love my children and family enough to repent, to change my life for their own good?

But fortunately, I am not left alone. I have a wonderful wife. She is my companion, my counselor, my partner, my helpmate, and my friend. And I thank God daily for giving her to me. When I offend her as if I have also offended myself. Everyday I tell her that I love her. And everyday I am continually courting her. Our marriage goal is to be an eternal family and pray that someday we will blessed to go as a couple missionary.

In the future, I will stand before God to give my report concerning my family. I hope to report that my home was a place of love and a bit of heaven on earth. I hope to report that we have family prayers and family home evenings and that my wife has taught our children good principles. I also want to report that I have provided sufficiently to meet the needs of my family. I also want to report that I have taught my children about God and Jesus Christ.

I know that I am a son of God. And that God has given me a family on earth, to lead them by example so as to bring them back to His kingdom someday. As a father, I also hold the holy priesthood of the Son of God. I know that my life is a part of the plan of salvation and will enable me to become like my Heavenly Father someday. Jesus Christ is my example.

How I wished and pray that all fathers in the world will know the sacredness of their calling. That they will be a perfect example to their children and so that their children will also become good fathers someday. Then when we have good fathers and good children, then the world will become a better place to live in.

Thank you mothers and wives for supporting us in our rule as fathers. We owe you the best part of our lives. And we want you to know that rich and eternal blessings will be your gifts in our Heavenly Fathers house someday.

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