Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Perfecting the Saints

It’s springtime once again and flowers are beginning to bloom. Springtime reminds me of new life, of new hope, and most especially the beautiful meaning of the atonement of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For in a beautiful spring morning that our Lord and brother Jesus Christ rose from the dead to give us hope that there is a new life waiting ahead.

I pray that all of us will enjoy a meaningful Sabbath day today. Each time I come to stand here before you at the pulpit, I consider this the best opportunity for me to counsel each one of you pertaining to one of the greatest work and mission of this Church – and that is… Perfecting the Saints.

It has come to my concern that we have a situation that has been lingering around this branch for quite a long time and it is becoming difficult to deal with. There are two things that I want you to understand. Firstly, that bullying and backbiting is a very bad attitude. It is unethical and contrary to the proper conduct of a true latter-day saint. Talking against his or her neighbors whether in front or behind the back is backbiting. Because of backbiting many friendships were lost. Trusts were lost among us and many other problems were caused by this terrible act.

Backbiting is a sin. It is never been a good business. If your business is backbiting, stop it. If any one of you see or hear someone backbiting somebody you have the right to stop them.

The church was once again organized by our Heavenly Father in this latter-days in preparation of our Lord’s second coming. Members of His church who are called Saints are counseled through modern revelation by our Lord to refrain from evil doings. In the 54th verse of the 20th section of the book of Doctrine and Covenants the Lord warns us,
“And see that there is no iniquity in the church, neither
hardness with each other, neither lying, backbiting, nor evil speaking.”

How evil is backbiting? When we talk against someone behind their backs, the very first thing that we destroy in that person is his or her reputation. When we do this, we are in fact trying to kill someone else’s personality. It is like trying to stab a person behind his back physically. We are trying to kill the dignity of that person.

Backbiting hurts people’s feelings. It sends a negative message about the person being victimized. It is rudeness to speak evil against anyone behind their backs. Its uncomforting to know that these untoward activities is lingering in this church among members.

But let me tell you something. Some backbiters are not really bad people, they just don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know that they can hurt other people’s feelings.

Brothers and sisters, this is your world. This is your church. Don’t let anybody try to mess up your world. If you hear somebody speaking evil against someone, you have all the right to stop that person. You have all the right to help this church grow spiritually and morally clean.

Evil speaking by ways of joking is bullying. There is no place for bullies in this church. This is the house of the Lord. We come to church on Sabbath to worship and listen to the words spoken by our leaders and teachers, and to practice and apply the principles we have learned in this church in our daily life.

We know that latter-day Saints are fun loving people. We love to laugh and have fun. But putting jokes or provocative comments on others are things that we should be very much aware of. There are sensitive people who cannot take jokes. There are also people who love to make jokes but doesn’t want to be joked. So let us try to be sensible to each other. Let us give love and respect to each other. I know that this is the only way that we can peacefully prepare ourselves and the very best way to help build up this church.

Now secondly, there is still a seriousness with the problem on debts. The book of Psalms says, “The wicked borrow and pay not again.” And in Proverbs it says, “The borrower is servant to the lender.”

How true is this? True to this verses, I have seen it happening with the members of this branch. I know you sisters are too kind to be true. Some of you will be willing enough to put yourself in an awkward position just to help someone in need. I admire you sisters for your noble heart.

But haven’t you ever thought that once something went wrong, and most of the time very wrong, you’re not only putting yourself, your work and the future of your family in grave situation? Don’t you ever think that even though she may be your very trusted friend something wrong may happen later?

Take an example of this sister who loaned money under her name, just to loan these money to another sister, who is a very close friend of hers, that she trusted most, who promised to pay on time. Her friend did pay twice but then, later was terminated from her work. Her friend was gone and she was left behind with an HK$18,000.00 unpaid loan. Another sister who worked in Hong Kong for more than ten years and was able to save a lot of money, loaned her dear friend all her savings worth HK$70,000.00. Her friend disappeared and she was left penniless.

These kind of problem is not new in my office. I hear this same kind of problem almost every week. Sisters, you are placing yourself in a very awkward position. Always remember that the moment you lend your money or your passport to any of your friends, you are at the same time putting your friendship away. I have every reason to say this to be true because I have witnessed the very negative effect of this. Friendships broke, not only the two of you are affected but other people as well, and perhaps the very future of your family.

Sisters, please stay out of debt. One very important principle is being taught in this church that many are neglecting. And that is the Law of Tithing. Sisters, pay your tithes first amongst any others, and the Lord will do the rest for you. If you really have faith in God, prove it by paying your tithes. And the Lord God has promised, that He will open up the windows of heaven and pour you out all the blessings you need that there shall not be enough room to receive it.

Do not wait until you are out of debts to pay your tithes. Pay your tithes now, and the Lord will help you find a way to keep you from the bondage of debts. Prove your faith in God and the Lord God will keep His promise to you. The Lord said, “ I the Lord am bound, if you do what I say, but if you do not what I say, ye have no promise.” Remember, and always remember this, that not unless you have proven your faith in God, He will never send you a blessing. “Faith precedes Miracle.” No faith, no blessings. We joined this church in hope for a blessing. But let me tell you something very important – that we cannot fool God. His commandments are for real. It is not a grocery store that we can just pick whatever we wanted and leave behind the rest. He strictly wants everything followed the way He wants it to be.

Saints who cannot abide the Celestial Law, cannot live in the celestial world. If we are just doing it half way, then, think about it again, and again – why did I joined this church? Is it because I wanted to live with my Heavenly Father someday? Any other reasons is up to you.

Only remember this, that in the last and final day, God shall not be mocked. He has given the law to follow. He has given us leaders to follow. He has restored his church in order for us to be sanctified and be purified in preparation for his Son’s second coming. If we are not prepared to follow all of what God wants us to follow, then, you better think about it harder my friends, because the hour is near.

We are not rich, we aren’t poor either. Heavenly Father expects the very best from us members of His church. He wants us to be a perfect example to others, to our families, to our non-member friends and to our neighbors as well. Speak kindly to each other. Show to other people that you are a true follower of God who belongs to His only true church.

Though I may not be perfect, but I am trying each day of my life to correct myself, to perfect my ways a little at a time. So when time comes for me to meet my God and my creator, at least I can say that I have done my very best.

It is up to each one of us as members of this church to carry the light of Christ in our life. If we want to have a more fruitful and meaningful life, then, follow every little things that God wants you to do, and I know the very best things in life will follow.

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